
Our take on the markets.

Create Your Master List of Goals 2022

Create Your Master List of Goals

Goal setting is fundamental to sound financial planning. Whether you’re considering these goals for the first time or have had lingering thoughts for some time, […]

From the Engine Room: Q4 2021

Market Whiplash

As in most years, there was no shortage of reasons to be pessimistic in 2021. Despite these headwinds, the US economy is surprisingly doing quite well. Businesses are […]

From the Engine Room: Q3 2021

Why Slower GDP Shouldn’t Worry Long-term Investors

The business cycle is advancing despite a number of investor concerns, one quarter after the economy returned to pre-pandemic levels. And while the […]

From the Engine Room: Q2 2021

The New Expansion

Of late your focus may have been on billionaires launching themselves into space, chiropractor visits from your crypto portfolio whiplash, still undecided tax legislation, refinancing debt, […]

From the Engine Room: Q1 2021

Intricacies in the Indices

As we begin the second quarter and reflect on the year past, it would be an understatement to say that investors faced historic challenges over […]

From the Engine Room: Q4 2020

A Time for Reflection

The year 2020 will forever be etched in our minds as a year of many challenges, but also provided a time of coming together to […]

From the Engine Room: Q3 2020

You Are In Control

If you are one who feels you are just a skin encapsulated bag of tendons and bones, victim to the world and outer circumstances, stressed […]